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Solar Energy Pros and Cons

Solar Energy Pros and Cons: Which One Is Right For You? And How To Reduce The Cost of Solar Energy Systems

Is solar energy right for you? Solar energy is a popular choice for homeowners, businesses, and government organizations because it’s inexpensive and environmentally friendly.

However, there are still some drawbacks to consider. This blog will take a look at the pros and cons of installing solar panels, as well as how to reduce the cost of solar energy systems.

What are the pros of solar energy?

There are numerous pros to consider, so let’s take a look at the big picture first.

According to The Solar Energy Industries Association, there are over a dozen important reasons to install solar energy systems. These include:

Easier on your wallet:

There is a change to the maximum amount of energy bills we can pay every six months. This means that we will end up spending much more over the year on electricity, and solar power is a good way for those who want to generate their own power for free once installed.

Increased energy security:

Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of electricity that is generated without the danger of pollution, harmful accidents, climate change or terrorism.

Longer-term energy savings:

The amount of energy you produce is nearly endless, which means your bills will continue to drop in the years to come.

 Green Environment.

Using solar energy can help keep your environment clean, as it generates no pollution. It also allows you to keep an eco-friendlier home.

If you have a solar system on your roof, for example. Your house will be energy-efficient.

What are the cons of solar energy?

The cons of installing solar energy systems are numerous, but three stand out the most:

Bad weather:

Solar energy systems can be damaged by extreme weather, pests, diseases, and the occasional bad installer.

Cheap Systems:

Many homeowners try to save money by having a cheap system installed, only to find that their panels are unable to generate any power during a heatwave or cloudy day.

Solar energy is unreliable:

If the sun is not out, then the solar panels aren’t generating any electricity.

The cost of solar energy systems

It might seem like a simple fact, but when you add up all the costs for solar power systems — roof installation, water hookup, installation of equipment, AC installation, light fixture installation, as well as maintenance and storage fees — the total is often over $10,000, depending on the length of the power purchase agreement (PPA).

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Industries Association, average solar electricity costs US$0.06 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for residential installations, and $0.08 for commercial and utility-scale solar.

These prices are considerably lower than average electricity prices in the U.S. — currently US$0.13 per kWh for residential and $0.06 per kWh for commercial — but it still adds up.

During the installation of a solar energy system, you’ll need to take care of certain things, including checking to make sure that the solar panels are installed securely and safely.

How to reduce the cost of a solar energy system

For many, the biggest drawback to solar energy systems is the cost. There are a lot of moving parts and if you have small goals, you will likely have trouble paying for the upfront costs.

Additionally, the price of panels may fluctuate throughout the year, depending on the demand for solar energy.

For many homeowners, it may be more cost-effective to install a solar energy system with lower upfront costs and expect to recoup those costs over time.

On the other hand, some homeowners are concerned about the health and safety risks of having their electricity generated by burning substances in the sun.

How to make better decision when you go solar?

Here are a few things that will help you make a better decision.

  1. See your monthly electric bills
  2. Check out the rates of other utilities in your area
  3. Get an energy analysis report from your power company
  4. Ask for a quote. Find a local solar company that offers your specific area a discount on power rates. Many solar companies offer financing options to make your installation affordable.
  5. Choose a system that fits your budget and needs. Make sure to find out what the solar installation costs in your area.

Different power systems have different rates. Make a comparison to other homes and see what their solar costs are.

Some power companies will charge you a lot more if you are looking to install a new solar array.

That is the only way you can really know what you will be paying.

  1. Look for incentives on new come-in at different Knightsbridge solar estimates.

It is important to know the price of the installation so you know how much you’ll be paying.

  1. Talk to a real expert. Check out a company like Renewable Energy Consultants.

They’ve been helping homeowners and solar installers for over 10 years and have extensive experience in all areas of energy.

This report will help you determine the cost of the electricity you will receive.

It will tell you how much you can expect to pay in monthly bills, what your monthly payments will be, how long your payments would last.


Solar energy is a renewable, efficient, and increasingly popular energy source. You may choose to install solar energy systems, or you may install passive solar systems in your home. However, before you install solar energy systems, it’s important to look at the pros and cons and find out how these systems will affect you and your house.

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